Knative Sources Working Group Charter

Author(s): Scott Nichols

Last Updated: Oct 30, 2019


The Knative Sources Working Group will reduce the friction of creating, finding, and implementing Knative compliant Sources. We will enable new ways to create, test, install, deploy and observe applications that produce or bridge events onto a cluster for consumption.



In the existing Eventing repo inside the knative org:

In working group meetings:

Sources WG Overall responsibility:

Preliminary 3-Month Roadmap

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Working Group

We will operate as a partner group to Eventing, giving a brief update in the weekly Eventing working group meeting. We may additionally meet on a weekly basis, cancelled when there is a lack of agenda.

Nominated Leads:

Nacho Cano, Scott Nichols, Ville Aikas, Lionel Villard